Project Services

We build and manage expert project teams that provide in-depth analysis and evaluation, execute strategies, and create value from innovation for complex water industry problems and opportunities.  For start-up and new product commercialization scenarios, each Advisor brings decades of real world business experience necessary to efficiently and rapidly convert commercialization strategies into increased business valuation.

Global Water Advisors applies water industry project management methods developed originally by the USFilter Corporate Projects Group from 1998 to 2006 during the acquisition and consolidation phases of the world’s largest water technology provider.   We provide all of the key ingredients necessary for a successful project outcome – decades of relevant experience with water industry technology and business solutions, seamless integration of diverse experience and skills drawn from our Advisors and Partners, and disciplined management to meet challenging schedules, budgets, and deliverables.

Contact Global Water Advisors for a free evaluation of how our Project Services can meet your water industry needs.